Vernon Township
Bryant Schroeder, Highway Commissioner


Bryant Schroeder

Highway Commissioner

(847) 634-4600
Fax: (847) 634-1569

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   If you would like to contact the Highway Department with after hour emergency information, please call the office number (847)634-4600 and follow the prompts to the Vernon Township Highway Department Emergency Voicemail. 


Vernon Township Highway Department maintains the residential streets including the right of way for unincorporated Vernon Township.

The department provides services and programs that focus on repair and construction of streets, storm sewers, sidewalks, curbs, street signs, street lighting, street cleaning, snow removal and more


The services provided by the Vernon Township Highway Department are extensive and are under the direction of Highway Commissioner Bryant Schroeder.   The services and programs administered by the highway department include, but are not limited to:

Road Construction – Rebuild, resurface and provide general maintenance for all streets in the unincorporated area

Fleet and Equipment Maintenance- Prepare specifications for purchase of all trucks and equipment. Maintain vehicles, equipment, building and grounds, by performing the work in house to minimize the outsourcing of the work which would be at a much higher cost.

Sidewalks, Curbs & Sewers – Replace, upgrade to ADA standards and provide general maintenance for all sidewalks, curbs and storm sewers in the unincorporated area

Flood Mitigation –  The department has in place emergency procedures to assist residents of high-level flooding areas as well as a clean-up and recovery program after major storms if necessary

Street Cleaning – The department administers a regular street cleaning program from early spring to late fall throughout the unincorporated area. The department utilizes an intergovernmental agreement with the Lake County Division of Transportation.

Street Lighting – responsible for providing street lighting along the public right of way in the unincorporated area. The unincorporated area has 65 street lights

Street Signage – The department is responsible for providing proper street signage along the unincorporated right of way. Signs ranging from Stop Signs, Speed Limit, No Parking, Snow Route, School Zones and others.

Grass Cutting – The department crews will cut grass along specific areas on the public right of way in the unincorporated area

Tree Maintenance – Throughout the year the department crews  trim those trees interfering with streetlights, street signs, or the vision of motorists on public right of way in the unincorporated area. This program also includes the removal of dead trees when warranted

Permits – To ensure the quality of work and to protect township residents from liability for damage to township property, a Vernon Township Highway Department Right of Way permit is needed for any construction in the unincorporated area that might affect the public right of way. The township may require a cash bond from the homeowner prior to issuance of the permit. This permit may be in addition to a permit required by Lake County Building & Planning Department

Snow Removal-To be aware of the weather conditions 24 hours a day 7 days a week. This includes watching the weather radar and forecasts throughout the day and night.

Determine when to pre-treat, salt or salt and plow the roads, to ensure that the roads are clean and safe for all that travel on them.


Spring Clean-up

oService numerous subdivisions by providing them with containers for disposal

oDisposal containers are not taken to a landfill, but to a recycling organization that separates the items and recycles them. Thus minimizing the amount of garbage into the landfill


Educate the public through literature and our website

oOn non-source point pollution and how it can be minimized in our community i.e Car washing, animal waste, proper disposal of oil, minimize use of fertilizers, and pesticides on lawns and garden, and watering procedures


oTriple separation catch basins with annual catch basin cleaning

oBiodegradable soap used on cleaning trucks

oRubber mats are used during oil changes to eliminate any oil that can run into the drain

oGarbage pick up on roads and right of ways

oStreet sweeping 3-4 times a year

oTo minimize salt run off, after loading the trucks excess salt is scraped back into the protective bin

oMotor oil, antifreeze, and oil filters are all recycled

oStorm Sewer

oErosion control through the use of RipRap, Straw Matting and Floc Logs to eliminate debris and sediment from entering the waterways, streams, creeks and rivers

oAnnual manhole cleaning to remove sediment and debris before it can enter the water ways

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)

One of the most aggressive townships to fulfill the NPDES requirements

Attend meetings at Lake County Stormwater Management Commission (LCSMC)

Development and implementation of programs for the Township (ie: pipe mapping)

Gathering and entering of information into Geographic Information System (GIS) computer software

Attend pertinent workshops

Yearly reporting to Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA)


National Discharge Elimination System


NPDES Annual Report

Stormwater Management Program Plan

  1. Permits

  2. Mail Box Information